<FieldArray />

<FieldArray /> is a component that helps with common array/list manipulations. You pass it a name property with the path to the key within values that holds the relevant array. <FieldArray /> will then give you access to array helper methods via render props. For convenience, calling these methods will trigger validation and also manage touched for you.

import React from 'react';
import { Formik, Form, Field, FieldArray } from 'formik';
// Here is an example of a form with an editable list.
// Next to each input are buttons for insert and remove.
// If the list is empty, there is a button to add an item.
export const FriendList = () => (
<h1>Friend List</h1>
initialValues={{ friends: ['jared', 'ian', 'brent'] }}
onSubmit={values =>
setTimeout(() => {
alert(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));
}, 500)
render={({ values }) => (
render={arrayHelpers => (
{values.friends && values.friends.length > 0 ? (
values.friends.map((friend, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<Field name={`friends.${index}`} />
onClick={() => arrayHelpers.remove(index)} // remove a friend from the list
onClick={() => arrayHelpers.insert(index, '')} // insert an empty string at a position
) : (
<button type="button" onClick={() => arrayHelpers.push('')}>
{/* show this when user has removed all friends from the list */}
Add a friend
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

name: string

The name or path to the relevant key in values.

validateOnChange?: boolean

Default is true. Determines if form validation should or should not be run after any array manipulations.

FieldArray Array of Objects

You can also iterate through an array of objects, by following a convention of object[index].property or object.index.property for the name attributes of <Field /> or <input /> elements in <FieldArray />.

render={arrayHelpers => (
{values.friends.map((friend, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<Field name={`friends[${index}].name`} />
<Field name={`friends.${index}.age`} /> // both these conventions do
the same
<button type="button" onClick={() => arrayHelpers.remove(index)}>
onClick={() => arrayHelpers.push({ name: '', age: '' })}

FieldArray Validation Gotchas

Validation can be tricky with <FieldArray>.

If you use validationSchema and your form has array validation requirements (like a min length) as well as nested array field requirements, displaying errors can be tricky. Formik/Yup will show validation errors inside out. For example,

const schema = Yup.object().shape({
friends: Yup.array()
name: Yup.string()
.min(4, 'too short')
.required('Required'), // these constraints take precedence
salary: Yup.string()
.min(3, 'cmon')
.required('Required'), // these constraints take precedence
.required('Must have friends') // these constraints are shown if and only if inner constraints are satisfied
.min(3, 'Minimum of 3 friends'),

Since Yup and your custom validation function should always output error messages as strings, you'll need to sniff whether your nested error is an array or a string when you go to display it.

So...to display 'Must have friends' and 'Minimum of 3 friends' (our example's array validation constraints)...


// within a `FieldArray`'s render
const FriendArrayErrors = errors =>
errors.friends ? <div>{errors.friends}</div> : null; // app will crash


// within a `FieldArray`'s render
const FriendArrayErrors = errors =>
typeof errors.friends === 'string' ? <div>{errors.friends}</div> : null;

For the nested field errors, you should assume that no part of the object is defined unless you've checked for it. Thus, you may want to do yourself a favor and make a custom <ErrorMessage /> component that looks like this:

import { Field, getIn } from 'formik';
const ErrorMessage = ({ name }) => (
render={({ form }) => {
const error = getIn(form.errors, name);
const touch = getIn(form.touched, name);
return touch && error ? error : null;
// Usage
<ErrorMessage name="friends[0].name" />; // => null, 'too short', or 'required'

NOTE: In Formik v0.12 / 1.0, a new meta prop may be added to Field and FieldArray that will give you relevant metadata such as error & touch, which will save you from having to use Formik or lodash's getIn or checking if the path is defined on your own.

FieldArray Helpers

The following methods are made available via render props.

  • push: (obj: any) => void: Add a value to the end of an array
  • swap: (indexA: number, indexB: number) => void: Swap two values in an array
  • move: (from: number, to: number) => void: Move an element in an array to another index
  • insert: (index: number, value: any) => void: Insert an element at a given index into the array
  • unshift: (value: any) => number: Add an element to the beginning of an array and return its length
  • remove<T>(index: number): T | undefined: Remove an element at an index of an array and return it
  • pop<T>(): T | undefined: Remove and return value from the end of the array
  • replace: (index: number, value: any) => void: Replace a value at the given index into the array

FieldArray render methods

There are three ways to render things with <FieldArray />

  • <FieldArray name="..." component>
  • <FieldArray name="..." render>
  • <FieldArray name="..." children>

render: (arrayHelpers: ArrayHelpers) => React.ReactNode

import React from 'react';
import { Formik, Form, Field, FieldArray } from 'formik'
export const FriendList = () => (
<h1>Friend List</h1>
initialValues={{ friends: ['jared', 'ian', 'brent'] }}
render={formikProps => (
render={({ move, swap, push, insert, unshift, pop }) => (
{/*... use these however you want */}

component: React.ReactNode

import React from 'react';
import { Formik, Form, Field, FieldArray } from 'formik'
export const FriendList = () => (
<h1>Friend List</h1>
initialValues={{ friends: ['jared', 'ian', 'brent'] }}
render={formikProps => (
// In addition to the array helpers, Formik state and helpers
// (values, touched, setXXX, etc) are provided through a `form`
// prop
export const MyDynamicForm = ({
move, swap, push, insert, unshift, pop, form
}) => (
{/** whatever you need to do */}

children: func

import React from 'react';
import { Formik, Form, Field, FieldArray } from 'formik'
export const FriendList = () => (
<h1>Friend List</h1>
initialValues={{ friends: ['jared', 'ian', 'brent'] }}
render={formikProps => (
<FieldArray name="friends">
{({ move, swap, push, insert, unshift, pop, form }) => {
return (
{/*... use these however you want */}
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